Specialised in legal translations
We are university graduates in law, linguistics and translation. We know the Slovenian and foreign legal systems, which is essential when translating legal texts.
LEX TRA's court interpreters are fast and thorough. Our clients are very satisfied with their oral interpretations and written translations. Because their translators are lawyers, even the translation of complex legal texts is a breeze. This is crucial when drafting notarised records and other notarised documents that involve foreigners. That is why we regularly use LEX TRA's translation services.Bojan Podgoršek, Notary
Working with LEX TRA means one worry less for our company. Its highly professional attitude towards the documents we entrust it to translate are what distinguish LEX TRA from other translation agencies. They have proven time and time again that they are a reliable agency, whose services we use in all segments of our operations without additional checking or formatting, whether the documents we need are for internal purposes or in the course of doing business with our customers.Vasko Berden, Management Consultant, NIL d.o.o.
We have been working with the translation agency LEX TRA for more than a year. As a law office, we typically require fast, high-quality translations for our clients. This is what distinguishes LEX TRA from other agencies, and is the main reason we work so well together. Legal translations are LEX TRA's specialty. Because they are lawyers, they make the matter of translating specific content significantly easier for us.Marko Petek, Attorney at Law
I am very satisfied with the work of court interpreter and university-educated lawyer Gašper Hriberšek involving notarised records of legal transactions with foreign corporations. Particularly worthy of note are his precision and thorough knowledge of economic and legal terminology.Blaž Hrovatin, Notary
We have been working with LEX TRA for several years. The company translates extracts from the court register, legal documents and more complex texts for our clients, who are primarily foreign corporations. We are extremely satisfied with LEX TRA's services, and with its responsiveness and attention to the needs of its clients.Uroš Petrovič, MSc, Managing Director, UPC svetovalna skupina d.o.o.
What I value most about LEX TRA is that I can always count on a quick response to our translation needs, whether it involves an ordinary translation or a court certified document. The company's prices are also competitive, and I don't need to check or obtain additional offers from other agencies.Aleš Vrčkovnik, Optimag d.o.o.
LEX TRA has worked with our office for some time, translating numerous court rulings and decisions from the Slovenian Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) from Slovene to English, as well as the rulings of foreign courts from English to Slovene. [...] I have had many opportunities in my work to review translations of legal texts, and I can say with absolute certainty that the translations produced by LEX TRA are among the best I've ever seen.Gregor Maček, Managing Director, ITEM d.o.o.
[...] Given the complexity of legal terminology and the unique nature of such translations, the employees of LEX TRA have proven themselves to be top-notch experts of both Slovenian and English legal terminology. For that reason alone, we highly value their work. [...]Primož Krapenc, Attorney at Law
We have had a successful business relationship with the translation agency LEX TRA for many years, in both the translation of pamphlets and brochures, and other technical texts that include industrial and legal terminology. We have always been satisfied with the company, as it provides its services quickly and reliably. [...] We highly recommend LEX TRA!Nina Dular, Assistant to the Management Board, Actinia d.o.o.
Our work to date with LEX TRA has shown us that it is a company in step with the times that is distinguished by its professionalism, accuracy, flexibility, attention to the needs of its clients and competitive prices. We therefore use their services frequently and recommend them to others.Gorazd Verbančič, Lawyer, AKTON d.o.o.
S prevajalci in tolmači družbe LEX TRA vedno znova z veseljem sodelujem. Ker pogosto zastopam stranke, ki poslujejo s tujino, pri svojem delu pogosto potrebujem prevajanje ali lektoriranje zahtevnih pravnih besedil, kot so pogodbe, sodne odločbe, pravna mnenja, dokazila v sodnih postopkih ipd. Kadar dokumente predam v delo prevajalcem ali tolmačem družbe LEX TRA, vem, da lahko pričakujem pravočasno in kvalitetno opravljeno delo.Odvetnica Urša Chitrakar
We've only had positive experiences with the quality of translations and the professional attitude of the LEX TRA staff. They are friendly, professional and, above all, willing to listen to our needs for urgent translations. This is very important to us. We recommend the LEX TRA translation agency to anyone who emphasises quality as a priority in their business.Nika Kerkez, Hidroinženiring d.o.o.
As a highly-specialised company, we use the services of contractors for all supporting services. We work with LEX TRA because they are good translators; they are flexible, responsive and quick. We would like to thank all the employees of LEX TRA for their services. We are constantly improving with your assistance!Rok Smrke, Real-estate Manager, PINACEA d.o.o.
Our Graduate Student Affairs Office of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Ljubljana has been working with LEX TRA for two years now. We are very pleased with their services, such as certified translation of documents, as they are performed in a highly professional manner and by the agreed deadlines.Prof. Jožica Merljak, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Economics, Graduate Student Affairs Office
Ponosni smo, da lahko sodelujemo z družbo LEX TRA, saj kot odvetniška pisarna potrebujemo stalno in strokovno podporo za prevode, kar nam omenjena družba nedvomno nudi. Njihova podpora pa je ne samo strokovna, temveč tudi hitra in kakovostna, hkrati pa se njihova znanja jezikov raztezajo na vsa področja dejavnosti naše pisarne. Z veseljem bomo sodelovali z njimi tudi v prihodnosti.Odvetniška pisarna odvetnice Vesne Gorjup Zupančič
LEX TRA je družba, ki po naših izkušnjah svoje delo opravlja natančno, skrbno in v skladu s specifičnimi potrebami stranke. Svoje delo opravljajo strokovno, saj poleg tujih pravnih institutov razumejo tudi “širšo sliko” poslovnih ciljev naročnika. Zaposleni pri družbi LEX TRA so zelo vljudni, spoštljivi, zanesljivi in prizadevni. Spoštujemo in hvaležni smo, da imajo tako dobro razvite spretnosti v medosebnih odnosih.Dušan Grlica, predsednik uprave banke Delavska hranilnica
[...] Najbolj od vsega nas je navdušila njegova izjemna odzivnost in prilagodljivost, saj smo tolmača iskali tako rekoč tik pred zdajci. Kljub temu je delo opravil z mirnostjo, hkrati pa profesionalno. Njegova sproščenost je blagodejno vplivala na vse prisotne v nekoliko napeti situaciji.Odvetnica Polona Senica, Odvetniška pisarna Dušan Golovrški
Our Advantages
We are professionals and…
…we understand the law. We are university graduates in law, linguistics and translation. We know the Slovenian and foreign legal systems, which is essential when translating legal texts. Legal translation requires more than the translation of words; it also requires the translation of legal concepts.
…we understand business. According to one of our clients, cooperation with us means “one worry less for them”. We know that it is essential for your business that we perform our work precisely, quickly and reliably. We intend to stay in business for many years to come and that is why we strive to establish long-term relationships with our clients.
…we understand you. We know that it is essential to you that we are diligent and precise in our translations. It is also important that we abide by agreements and try to put ourselves in your position. This is essential when translating, as people can view the same situation quite differently due to cultural differences, different customs and beliefs.
…we understand the language. A bachelor’s degree in law and linguistics and a dictionary are not enough to work at Lex Tra. All of our employees have spent part of their lives in a country where a certain language is spoken. They are able to think in that language, and are well acquainted with its social and cultural background.
Our Quality
Because we are aware of our responsibility…
…we assure you that we will be precise and diligent. Even the smallest error in legal translations may cause numerous problems. At Lex Tra, legal documents are translated by university graduates in law and every translation is reviewed by two pairs of eyes. Court interpreters certify that the translation corresponds to the original with their statement, stamp and signature.
…we respect agreed deadlines. We are proud of the fact that we have never missed a deadline agreed with our clients. We are quick and reliable, but never at the expense of quality. We always let our clients know how long it is going to take to complete a translation.
…we ensure security and confidentiality. We consider the protection of confidential information and translated documents to be very important. Our interpreters, translators and proofreaders sign a statement on the protection of confidential information. Our translations are carefully and securely kept in digital form.
Our Commitment
We love our work because…
…we love to translate. We are fascinated by and enjoy translating a complex text that corresponds to the original, but is at the same time clear and understandable.
…we like to help. It brings us a great deal of satisfaction when our translations help our clients to communicate, conclude a legal transaction, go study or work abroad, when they are selected in an international tender, etc. That’s when we know that we have performed our work very well.
We can help.
We invite you to send an inquiry or order a translation with the help of our simple form. We are always ready to answer your questions via telephone or email.